Hope Smiling Brightly Before Us

I woke up this morning with the lyrics of a familiar hymn in my head “There is hope smiling brightly before us, and we know that deliverance is nigh.”

What exactly does Hope Smiling Brightly look like, anyway? Especially right now?

I have decided the answer is a personalized gift. We are invited to discover our unique hope, every day!

Here are five things that brought hope smiling brightly for me, today.

1. This Mantra

Taken from the 13th Article of Faith of my church. [my favorite]

“We have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things”

2. These faces 😍

3. This mountain

My daily view from the new “home office” is a reminder of peace and hope. It stands firm and certain. Steadfast and immovable.

4. This thought

In trauma, we each have a tendency towards fight, flight, or freeze. For instance, watching the news can be equivalent to “freezing,” feeling like we have no control or power over the situation.

We need to be aware of how these responses play out in ourselves as we navigate this crisis. It’s also important to acknowledge the impact on our mental health. Even in small ways, how are we taking care of ourselves and reaching out to those we love?

“When we can embrace where we are at. We can think about how we can love people in our midst.”

Rachel Clinton Chen – The Allender Center

5. This video

Released today by Working With Lemons – this makes me smile seeing all of these beautiful children coming together to sing, imperfectly, joyfully, filled with hope smiling brightly before us!

“Some things never change, when I’m holding on tight to you.”

We cannot tell what the future will bring, but we are all in this crazy uncertain time together. We each have a light to shine, and something to share! “We can embrace where we are at.”

I’m interested what brought you a “perfect brightness of hope” today? Was there something that unexpectedly touched your soul, or made you smile?

Love and hugs, Holly


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