Life as a Boot-Camp-Anti-Tree-Nut-Wedding-Singer-Mom

You’ve probably heard at least one of these catch phrases

  • expect the unexpected
  • if you don’t like the weather, just wait a few minutes
  • the only thing predictable in life is unpredictability
  • change is inevitable
  • don’t get too comfortable

. . . right?

Well, I’ve been experiencing all those truisms over the past several weeks. So much so, I haven’t been posting. In fact, this is the longest I have gone without blogging at least something for over two years.

I waited to have time. I waited to have energy. I waited for something brilliantly inspirational to hit me. I waited for life to get “back to normal”.

I finally realized I’ll never have time, energy is relative, inspiration is a matter of perspective, and I have absolutely no idea what “normal” is.

Therefore, this post may be classified as:

  1. desperate attempt to create order out of chaos
  2. defining the undefinable of my reality
  3. documenting my insanity for posterity.

Where to begin?


via Wiki Commons

As mentioned in my previous post, Mr. MoSop and I have been paying to undergo one hour of daily fitness Boot Camp torture, 6 days a week. Initially this was for 6 weeks, but at the end of those 6 torturous weeks:

  • we were stronger and more energized than we’d been in years
  • we were just starting to see some significant results.
  • we had discovered we actually LIKED just having to roll out of bed every day, and let someone else take responsibility for whipping our bodies into shape [and someone else to blame when we hurt like hades]
  • we were enjoying the bonus of a unique marital bonding experience
Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2009
Image via Wikipedia

So, we re-enlisted for another 6 weeks.

Our expectations were naturally very ‘reasonable’. Mr. Mo planned to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger & I would become Jillian Michaels by our 12-week graduation. 🙂 Not much to ask, right?

Today marks the first day of our 12th and final week – no small accomplishment! We have lowered our cholesterol, BP, BMI and fat ratio. We’ve raised our energy and self-confidence. We’ve watched the numbers go down on the scale [of course, Mr. Mo, being male, beat me hands down on that].

I assure you, we still have a long way to reach Terminator and Biggest Loser status! [but, at least we’re on the right path]


via Wiki Commons

About two years ago I developed a sensitivity to walnuts. If I ate them, I’d get a canker sore in my mouth, so I gave up walnuts. This year, the same thing started up with Almonds, and I was bummed because I really love almonds. First, my tongue would start to tingle, and then swell, and then the sores would come. Well, a few weeks ago  I went to a pre-wedding party [more about that in a minute] and ate a salad that aparently had some cashews. The tongue tingling thing started immediately, and despite spitting it out and rinsing my mouth vigorously, my tongue started swelling up. This time my throat also constricted and I had a bit of difficulty getting a full breath! By the time I came home from the party, the sores and pain were starting, and I realized I was having a serious allergic reaction. In hindsight, I probably should have gone to a clinic, but I was still in complete denial that eating a couple of nuts was actually a problem for me. I mean, this happens to other people, not me! I’m in my forties, and up until now could pretty much eat whatever I wanted. What’s up with getting a food allergy now?

OK. I finally googled Tree Nut Allergy and read a bunch of stuff I really didn’t want to hear and thought, “oh, great”. Personally, I only thought people with peanut allergies died from eating something they love. Apparently, a tree nut allergy can be just as serious: i.e. Anaphylaxis. Since every one of my attacks has been exponentially worse than the last, it’s time for me to rise above my denial and be diligent [and start carrying an Epi Pen]


Cover of "The Wedding Singer (Totally Awe...
Cover via Amazon

I was very excited to be asked to sing for one of my best friend’s weddings. It was a little bit out of my comfort-zone, since it  was an formal ‘non-Mormon’ walk-down-the-aisle kind of wedding instead of the ‘LDS-cultural-hall-background-entertainment’. I was listed a central part of the ceremony on the program. Three songs. My friend was also marrying a well-known doctor in our community and so there would be a lot of distinguished people in attendance. [i.e. “No pressure”]. My tongue was still slightly swollen on wedding day, and I hadn’t been able to start eating solids yet, but at least I could breathe again! And, in the end, the wedding was beautiful, everyone cried [the happy kind], and the bride and groom seemed genuinely pleased with my offering.


via Wiki Commons

Oh yeah. We don’t want to forget to add this one in the mix! The work that never ends and morphs daily…The monstrous Mt. Washmore always lurking in my basement…the daily dinner dilemna…the worrying over all the details…and so forth…

Our 19 yr old collegiate daughter came home for the summer. And when we actually got to see her, it was great to be together as an entire family unit! She spent her summer juggling two intense jobs and a new boyfriend [another parental first] . . . Technically, this child is an adult. A fact which she reminds us about. Often. But she’s still our little girl,  it’s  impossible not to worry, and it’s hard to let go.

College Or Bust

This past Saturday, we returned our eldest to College Life for the Second Year. It seems like just yesterday I was crying and blogging about The First Year! This time around was definitely less traumatic. In fact, it was quite pleasant. We had a nice drive down, laughing and joking. We enjoyed a free meal courtesy the school. We carried her paraphernalia into the dorm room, and waved goodbye. This time around, we knew she had friends and a good church support network, she was going to be learning and growing and having a wonderful life. Best of all, we knew she was not going to forget about us!


The good thing about life is that there are a LOT of good things!

via Wiki Commons

The list above didn’t include my Full Time Day Job, nor my other really-full-time-but-considered-part-time-unpaid-volunteer church job.

Suffice to say, I’m BUSY.

But, in all honesty, I have nothing to complain about. So what if I can’t eat nuts and have to check every label of everything I buy and ask people the ingredients of all their pot-luck dishes? This will force me to be more mindful of what I eat – which is healthier. Maybe I’ll finally be motivated-by-force to follow our church council and actually plant my own garden? [it could happen]

I’m thrilled to be reconnected with one of my best friends, and truly honored to be her wedding singer, and use my talents in new capacities.

I’m truly blessed to have lost weight and fat and increased muscle and stamina [and by the way, I’m even running again for the first time in 8 years!]

“There is hope smiling brightly before us and we know that deliverance is near.” – Hymn 19

I’m learning to embrace change, and to look at new challenges as new opportunities. I found out the world didn’t end blogging about something “un-inspirational”. And, at the very least, I cannot say my life is boring!


  1. I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now but since you have changed your format I have been confused on how to navigate through it. Please help.


  2. Enjoyed your blog. I thought I had been deleted off the list or something. All your comments were fun to read. You are such a great writer. Sorry to hear about the nut thing. You Are CARRYING AN ePI AREN’T YOU?! lOVE YOU, MOTHER


I love your comments! ♥