Disconnect To Reconnect Daily

In the next few days I will be adding short summaries of messages from the recent 2013 April General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Rosemary Wixom

Today’s message comes from Sister Rosemary Wixom, the General Primary President of the Church. Sister Wixom presides over the organization that is responsible for the instruction of all of the church’s children ages three to twelve.

Her message was about creating healthy relationships with our children and families, particularly by “unplugging” from our virtual realities long enough to make real, human connections with those we love.

Of course the irony of sharing Sister Wixom’s message is that I have to be “connected” right now with technology, and you have to be “connected”, in order for me to tell you to disconnect!


Oh, well!

You get the idea! Right? So, go ahead and read, watch, learn, and then….get outta here! 😉


2013 Conf disconnect
Enjoy watching President Wixom’s talk here

2013 conf a4


I love your comments! ♥