Beautiful Amazing Grace – A Noteworthy Video

This morning I read a private message from one of my dear readers about her experience with putting Elder Lawerece’s prayer challenge to the test. My heart was touched. I am humbled by the love that our Father in Heaven has for each of us and continually amazed by the power of the Holy Ghost to enlighten our minds and fill our hearts with personalized answers, peace, guidance, and direction. There really is so much more to life than what we can see with our eyes. God really does live! And, He has a plan for each of us to learn and grow during our time on earth, and a plan to help us return to live with Him again when our turn on this earth ends.

In light of that, finding this beautiful new recording and video by NOTEWORTHY of “Amazing Grace” was one more incredible witness to my soul that God lives and loves each of us.

Noteworthy is an all-female, nine-member, collegiate a’cappella group based in Provo, Utah, sponsored by Brigham Young University. Noteworthy appeared on NBC’s “The Sing-Off” in 2009, and won the ICCA (International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella) in 2007. This season – 2015 -the group ranked in the top 10 of the ICCA competition.

All members of Noteworthy are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon).

Noteworthy strives to uplift others through the power of music. They sure do an awesome job!

A big High Five to my Mormon Soprano (and Alto) sisters in Noteworthy! And, an extra high five for being willing to stand in that cold river for hours to create such a beautiful video. – MoSop


  1. That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. All I could think about was how cold their feet and legs must have been. I hope, since it was summer, that it wasn’t too bad.

    Thanks again for the “prayer that keeps on giving”.

    Love, Lynne


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