LDS (Mormon) Temple Update

Temple growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has flourished over the past few months. The church newsroom has just released a video World Report (attached) regarding the most recent activity of temple dedication, construction and groundbreaking ceremonies. This is a very exciting time of growth for the church. These beautiful temples represent sacrifice and faith, and are a great blessing to the members of the church who reside nearby and will be attending them. The temples are also a great blessing to the countries and cities in which they have been built as a symbol of peace. The beautiful gardens are open to the public to stroll and for quiet meditation. Prior to each dedication ceremony an open house is held, and all are welcome to tour and enjoy the beautiful edifice, ask questions and learn more about Latter-day Saints. After the dedication ceremony, entering a temple is reserved for those members of the church who are in good standing and meet certain requirements. Sometimes those not of our faith misunderstand the purpose of these buildings. The temples are not used for our regular Sunday worship service. We have chapels for that purpose, and anyone is invited to enter and attend meetings weekly. However, the temples are very sacred buildings set apart as a place where special ceremonies such as eternal marriage takes place, and baptism and other religious work is performed for deceased ancestors. To learn more about the purpose of the LDS temples you may read a nice summary HERE, or watch an in-depth documentary HERE.

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