Knowing Who We Really Are

“God has given again in these Latter-days the truth about where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. Much of the confusion we experience in this life comes from simply not understanding who we are.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Hans Christian Anderson - Central Park, NY

I love this video on so many levels! I have two personal connections to the Danish author/ story-teller Hans Christian Andersen. First, my direct ancestors on my mother’s side come from Denmark. And second, my first big audition for an equity stage play was at age 12 for the Musical “Hans Christian Andersen“. Out of hundreds of children who answered the cast-call that day, I made the lucky cut, and the experience of performing in that show had a lasting impact on my pursuit of music and theater arts.

To me, one of the greatest blessings of being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the teachings that our life has a purpose, and each of us are important. We are part of a specific and detailed Plan, which extends both eons backward and eons forward in the continuum of time and space. I take comfort in the knowledge that God is my Father, and He loves me! He has sent us to this earth to live, grow, learn, find truth, and have joy. We do not exist by accident.  We lived before we were born on earth, and we will continue to live after our time here is finished. Death is not the end. We will be with the people we love again.

The older I get the more I believe that anything and everything that happens to us here, no matter how bad, hard or unfair, can be a blessing. Our experiences help us gain wisdom, and develop faith. And that is what we get to take with us when we die.

Our Father in Heaven didn’t say it would be easy here, but He promised to help us. He gave us a Savior, Jesus Christ, with a sacred promise that He will be with us “always“. Right now, each of us get to make daily choices that effect our destiny. It’s OK to mess up – that was built into the Plan – as long as we learn from our mistakes, and move forward. This life is just a small part of our amazing journey. Isn’t that exciting? I hope that this knowledge fills your soul with as much hope and peace as it does mine!

Never forget, you are meant to succeed! You are unique by design, and your potential is divine! – MoSop


    1. Thank you so much for posting this! How timely that you would post this today: my oldest daughter graduated from high school today. After years of struggling, she has learned who she is. I will share this with her. Thanks again.


      1. Anne – Congratulations! My daughter graduated last year. This is an exciting and emotional time. Glad you will be sharing this with her.


  1. Hi, I am assuming you are the one responsible for submitting my daughters post to the Mormon Times. ?? (Anne Marie Hyer/in India) You can imagine our complete surprise. She has not even seen it yet…she will be flabbergasted. I noticed many people accessing her blog via MormonTimes, so went to check it out and couldn’t believe it. Well, yes I could…but still a surprise. Her daily experiences are so moving to us….Priya, the man in the corner, and her depth of compassion. Thanks for surprisingly mentioning her…….she has a depth of spirit that came with her…you can continue to follow her at: But, I guess you knew that! The Internet….a curious thing how things “get around!” Rising Star Outreach is doing good things……..they were featured in this months LDS Living, by the way.


    1. Hi Marie – When I discovered Anne Marie’s amazing site, I definitely had to share! Thanks for your message and for giving a little more background on her service. Yes, as Alice would say – the Internet is definitely “Curious and Curiouser”. 🙂 Sending prayers and best wishes, MoSop


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