Lights and Legs!

On the day after Thanksgiving, Salt Lake City welcomes the Christmas season in with light! Attending the lighting of Temple Square is a family tradition for thousands. We have gone many times in the past to the first night, but now we prefer to wait a few days (and we always especially love to go right after a fresh snow).


Here is a fun video you can watch all about the logistics of lighting up Temple Square, including some nice visuals so you can do a “virtual tour”.


In other exciting news…drumroll…Daughter-A made big strides in her recovery today during hospital Day 20. Her legs started listening to her brain signals, and she was actually able to get up out of her wheelchair and walk around the Rehab Unit! 🙂 Hooray!

VICTORY Dance!!! 

Her arm is still not responding yet to her brain signals, so please focus your prayers on her arm. We know that it will be healed, it is just a matter of time – but, she would sure like time to speed up so she can finally leave the hospital. After all, it is now officially the season of light, and miracles. We are humbled and grateful to celebrate the birth of our Savior and Redeemer, the Master Healer. – MoSop

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