Surviving The Inversion And A Treadmill

Here on the western side of the Rocky Mountains we may not be socked-in with as much snow as the East Coast, but we are “buried” in our own version of winter blues. The dreaded “Inversion” [lung-crushing-toxic-smog] is once again trapped in our mountain-locked valleys due to inverted temperatures. Northern Utah has a major air quality problem in the winter. It is often more unhealthy to to take a walk outside here than in commonly known polluted cities like LA, Beijing or Singapore.

For such a beautiful “nature-lover’s paradise,” it’s a pitiful state of affairs. And that’s what makes January through February in Salt Lake City very dismal every year for the natives. Or, as one reporter described;

“[The Inversion] is like living in a toilet bowl that won’t flush.”

DNews caponly_HazyWeather.cit
“THE INVERSION” hangs over my home town of Bountiful, Utah.

Therefore, due to the frigid temps and potty air, Mr. Mo and I have been forced to do our running training inside the local Rec Center on a treadmill. If I had a choice of being inside warm and dry on a machine vs. being outside in a howling storm/heat/cold/etc. would ALWAYS choose outside. But, I also like to keep breathing and avoid a pollution-induced asthma attack.

Thankfully, I have found some good in the situation.

Actually, a lot of good. The Rec Center happens to have some pretty snazzy machines with computer screens. There’s cool world trails filmed with some kind of go-pro cameras that I can “virtually climb”, or I can tune into a radio or TV  station. After doing all the virtual trails my first week (something I admit was pretty entertaining), I browsed through some of the TV channels and landed on BYUtv which has provided a fun show called “Story Trek” where a man randomly knocks on people’s doors and they tell him fascinating life stories, and another program called “Turning Point,” that tells inspiring stories of how one person has made all the difference.

And that’s how I discovered my “treadmill bliss”.

Today I was transported, moved to tears and inspired watching an episode about how one incredible woman named Sherri Gahn has made the difference in the lives of hundreds of at-risk, homeless children in northern Las Vegas. I highly recommend that you take 30 minutes out of your day to watch this! [I guarantee you will be inspired!]

Turning Point: Whitney Elementary


The treadmill is still not my idea of “fun” but at least there has been some really good things I’ve been able to get out of it. For one thing, my body is getting stronger, my pace is getting a little quicker and I’m feeling empowered physically. But, I am really grateful to have the opportunity to grow my mind and spirit in the process.

Thanks BYUtv! – MoSop


  1. Great post! I often watch turning point and story trek I am always amazed at how many people willing share very personal experiences. Love that show! Love you mom


    1. I wholeheartedly agree that watching something uplifting while doing the treadmill is wonderful. I don’t have the benefit of watching tv – but have enjoyed listening to conference talks on my cell phone. My maiden name is Seely – any relation to you, Linda?


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