No Matter What Happens

Elder Busche
F. Enzio Busche

F. Enzio Busche was born in Dortmund, Germany. He led an idyllic life in the country for a few short years. In 1939 – when Enzio was just nine years old – the first English bomb fell on Dortmund, and his childhood ended. Years of devastating war, family turmoil, and despair began. Enzio was conscripted into Hitler’s army at the tender age of 14, and taken as a prisoner of war just months later. He endured fear, hunger and countless trials. After the war, in his early twenties, Enzio faced a new battle when he contracted a debilitating liver disease. As he lay dying in his hospital bed, he experienced a personal conversion to Jesus Christ, and a miraculous healing. Afterwards, he and his wife Jutta searched for God’s will in their life. They sought answers to their many religious questions.

“I told the Lord we wanted to find his church,” Busche recalls. “I knew that the earlier followers of Christ had been persecuted, so I told the Lord that it didn’t matter if his was an obscure church, even a ridiculed church.”

After that prayer, the overwhelming peace Enzio had felt in the hospital returned. Several weeks later, two Latter-day Saint missionaries stood on the Busches’ doorstep offering a spiritual message. Enzio and Jutta listened to the missionaries, studied the church, and were baptised two years later. They became humble and faithful members, serving in leadership capacities all of their lives. Elder Busche was often invited to speak. His theme centered on peace and happiness:

“Many are starving spiritually. We must feed the spiritual part of our being by learning to distinguish and search for the Spirit in all matters of our daily lives. Life is not meant to be easy, but when we are filled with the Spirit that Heavenly Father gives us as we live according to our covenants, we will be full of joy no matter what happens.”

When Elder F. Enzio Busche spoke to the student-body at Brigham Young University, the title of his talk was “Unleashing The Dormant Spirit“. In this illustrated video, we hear Enzio’s wise instruction on how to keep a joyful soul, no matter what.


  1. That is so beautiful! I feel so uplifted today by Elder Busche’s words. Who created that video?
    How did you post it without YouTube adding the little icons at the end?
    I want to watch that again. Maybe every morning, so that I’ll have a good day. 🙂 His words about being completely under the influence of the Holy Spirit were especially powerful to me. That is a worthy goal.


    1. Michelle – thank you for your feedback. I am very glad that you have been uplifted. The YouTube account “ldsteencenter” is credited with creating the video. It is being distributed by FairLDS. I collect all of my YouTube videos through my VodPod account before posting them here, which removes the related video icons.


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